Authorpreneur Dashboard – Christy Santo

Christy   Santo

Between Two Worlds

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Rebecca dreams her present time and lives her past. It is 2006 and Indiana University graduate student Rebecca Harrison attends a Halloween party. Unknown to her she will have her world turned upside down when she leaves it. An unexpected accident rips her from 2006 Indiana and abandons her in 1983 Fanwood, New Jersey her hometown. She struggles to relive the past and exist as another woman with the same name and birthday as her. Can she find a way to return to her present time or will her past become her future?

Book Bubbles from Between Two Worlds

Dreaming the present

This is Rebecca's first dream to the present.


Another excerpt from my upcoming book Between Two Worlds to be published on June 15,2015. Rebecca (2006) is dreaming her present. Here she is witnessing her mother express anger over what happened to her daughter.

Literally Accidental Time Travel

This excerpt is from the beginning of the book. My character Rebecca has a great life on campus, good friends, and is close to her family. One nasty fall takes it away and sends her back in time.

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