Authorpreneur Dashboard – Christine Ward

Christine  Ward

Silent No More

Biographies & Memoirs

Christine lived with unrecognized anger, depression, hopelessness, despair, and confusion most of her life causing her to behave erratically; leaving many puzzled. Her behavior became so bizarre that it affected every area of her life. Christine was faced with homelessness, numerous nervous breakdowns, and multiple suicide attempts. Her life would wildly spiral out of control many of times leading to hospitalization with nowhere else to turn. Christine was diagnosed with bi polar disorder, also known as manic depression, at the age of eighteen, after many years of misdiagnoses. As Christine fights to figure out the mystery of her past and the secret she has kept even from herself, her own family seems determined to keep her in the dark. When she begins to suspect her husband, the father of her only child, turning his attention to their daughter, she knows something has to change. This inspiring story of a woman’s struggle to make sense of her past and create a better future for herself and her daughter will offer readers insight into the generational curse of abuse and give them hope it can be broken. Christine has finally come to the realization that knowing and acknowledging the truth is what actually sets a person free! Her work honors scars long hidden and offers hope for healing. Her book is a gift that dares to render clarity from childhood chaos.

Book Bubbles from Silent No More

Life Saved by Grace

It is when I hit rock bottom that I looked up and met Him. He then started changing me from the inside out. It was one of the best experiences in my life. When I met Him is when my life actually started. Thank you Jesus!!

Her Secret

Don't be afraid of the truth because it is the truth that will set you free!!

Silent Cries

I had repressed the abuse I suffered in my childhood for decades, and it was taking a toll on my life. I couldn't hardly function from day to day because of the flashbacks I was experiencing. I was reliving the torment in my mind over and over again. It wasn't until I faced what happened to me and walked through the darkness, and that is when I found the light at the end of the tunnel. There is a light at the end of every tunnel. You just have to walk through it!

Denial is one way to cope.

The side effects of abuse can be very overwhelming, and one of the ways we cope is to deny that it ever happened. We need to face this epedimic head on, so we can go on to forgive the one's who hurt us; which eventually leads to healing. I can actually tell you that it works because it has happened to me. I am finally free!!

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