Authorpreneur Dashboard – Christine Maria Jahn

Christine Maria Jahn

Saving Alessandra


Alessandra Willow Smythson-Drake, a widow at four and twenty, has sailed back to her family estate in England upon the death of her abusive husband. But escape from the torture she endured during her marriage was not to come easily. Both her sleeping and waking hours are controlled by night terrors and emotional turmoil. Physical scars, one of which is too hideous to hide, force her into seclusion. Simon Thane Bevan, Marquess of Heavensford and childhood friend, re-enters Alessandra’s life. What starts as a simple meeting to rekindle a lost friendship quickly ignites his heart into unconditional love. Overcome with anger at the abuse his friend has suffered, he vows to save her from living the life of a recluse.

Book Bubbles from Saving Alessandra

Trusting After Betrayal

This excerpt about trust was an important one to write. How many times have we all been hurt by someone we have trusted, whether the hurt was physical, emotional, or verbal? Yet, we have to be careful to not let mistrust rule our lives. If we do, we miss out on letting even the tiniest bit of happiness and joy into our lives. I know it's a difficult thing to do...trusting after betrayal. I have been there. And unfortunately I had let mistrust manipulate me into a world of solitude. I gave all my energy to my job and none to my personal life, and sad to admit, even little time for God. But once I truly and honestly reflected on my life, and got rid of all that was negative, a whole new joy and happiness had been my reward.

Writing A Regency Period Novel

Even though I read different genres of fiction, historical fiction set during the Regency Period has always been my favorite. There are elements in historical fiction that transport you to another time and place; allowing you to immerse yourself in an era with different values, ideals, and of course, social standards. Writing a period piece has been cathartic, as well. I have taken emotional, verbal, and physical abuse I have experienced and tried to envision how a young lady during a specific time in history would have handled the situation. What would have been her obstacles? Her limitations? Her means of survival? In this story, the victim believes the answer lies in becoming a recluse. And that trust, once destroyed, will never exist again.

Child of Mine

Children's Books

Judah, an inquisitive lion cub, is having trouble falling asleep. He is full of questions and refuses to settle down until each one of them has been answered. Follow Judah on his inspirational quest to learn about his purpose, God, and Jesus Christ.

Book Bubbles from Child of Mine

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