Authorpreneur Dashboard – Charlotte Babb

Charlotte  Babb

Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Maven’s new dream job–fairy godmother–presents more problems than she expects when she learns that Faery is on the verge of collapse, and the person who is training her isn’t giving her the facts–and may be out to kill her. Will she be able to make all the fractured fairy tales fit together into a happy ending, or will she be eaten by a troll?

Book Bubbles from Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil

Fairy Tales and Romance

What sort of fairy tale, fractured or not, would be complete without a romance? In this case, it's not the princess, but the dairy maid who has found the love of her life. But instead of jumping into marriage right away, she's being practical. Daisy is not a tease, but she knows what it takes to support a family, and she wants to know she can do it herself if she needs to. Henry does not understand that, but he loves her and will do whatever she requires, even getting his courtier hands dirty. They are in love. It was only magic circumstances that brought them together, because there is no magic than can cause people to fall in love--and there is no magic to make them fall back in love, if they ever fall out.

Every Journey Requires Courage

Job interviews suck. All of them. It's a game where the employer has a lot to lose, and the candidate has much to gain if they can only find a match. Neither one knows the other, and both are facing the unknown. Facing the unknown is the most difficult thing for anyone to do. The people who are good at it are the ones who do it the most--like any other experience. But that's what it takes to keep living indoors and eating on a regular basis. Maven's one chance lies here, after years of failure and months of unemployment. But she opens the door to face the possibility of failure yet again. That is courage. Maven may have made a mess of her life, but she has the courage to keep trying again.

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