Authorpreneur Dashboard – Charles M Heyworth

Charles M Heyworth

Road to Royalty: A Journey to Relationship

Christian Books & Bibles

This book is for anyone who has felt their faith become irrelevant or anyone who has experienced disillusionment or dissatisfaction with the church. If you're willing and ready to confront your current experience with God, Road to Royalty will help you encounter a rich and vibrant relationship—one of surprising hope, renewed joy and unexpected adventure."

Book Bubbles from Road to Royalty: A Journey to Relationship

When Suffering Makes Sense

What happens if your version of God proves to be incorrect? Sometimes its better to face reality than to continue walking through an illusion. Learn what it took for me to understand that the God I was coming to love did not always meet my expectations. Life does not always turn out the way that I expect, but I can always say like Job "The Lord gives, and the LORD takes away. Blessed by the name of the LORD!"

Being Honest

It can be scary to let yourself realize that you don't have all the answers, but this can also be a good starting point to asking the right questions. When my journey began, I was not sure of where I headed but knew I needed to get somewhere else. Perhaps you feel the same way. Head over to my website and download to take a look at Chapter 2 of Road to Royalty to find some inspiration to begin your own journey.

Is Prophecy for Today?

People often fear that which they do not understand. When I first encountered prophecy it scared me. A prophet needed long flowing robes, a grey beard and a wooden staff to point toward the sky while pronouncing the upcoming judgements or blessings of God on a nation. I was not going to be that unfashionable or presumptuous. As time passed, however, I learned that the practice of prophecy in the church was completely different. In fact, like most people, I was already using prophecy - I just described it in a different way.

Practical Deism

Are you in danger of becoming a practical Deist? Deism believes that creation is like a watch. In the beginning, God wound it up and now it works on its own until time runs out. He is not actually involved along the way. The Bible stories seem to indicate that God is directly involved in the lives of his people. But what happened after the Bible was completed? Did He leave the picture? Is it enough to read about Him? Or, is there something more to life as a Christian?

The Essence of Faith

A question of identity lies at the heart of the decision to be a Christian. In order to define myself by faith in Someone other than me, I first had to recognize my own inability to be the answer.

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