Authorpreneur Dashboard – Celia M Kennedy

Celia M Kennedy

Charlotte's Restrained


Charlotte, with the help of her friends, meets Des Bannerman - the King of Romantic Comedies. The chance encounter results in a serious misunderstanding. It's so mysterious even Charlotte doesn't know what's happened. Hillary, Marian, Tiziana, Kathleen, and Charlotte, are intelligent and funny women from all over the globe, who have found professional success, but whose personal lives have eluded them. These are women we all long to be friends with. People who make us laugh, make tough moments bearable, and will give us the Armani off their backs, when we need them.

Book Bubbles from Charlotte's Restrained

The Setup

Charlotte has the chance to meet her celebrity crush. Not really thinking it possible, she get's caught up in her fantasies. Still, she's ill prepared when the two meet. This part of the book shows introduces Charlotte and her close circle of friends. These five vivacious ladies bumble their way into meeting the Romantic Comedy King, Des Bannerman.

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