Authorpreneur Dashboard – Carolyn Joy Willis

Carolyn Joy Willis

The Truthteller

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Fourteen-year-old San, a Keiltic thief in a Kyarian village, thinks he struck gold when he steals the purse off a stranger in black. He finds out too late, though, that the stranger is a Truthteller, a powerful herald of the God of Law. Now San must face the consequences of his actions, but he has to choose how. He can submit to the familiar but harsh punishments of his home, or venture into the unknown, wider world in service to the Truthteller Kittik Keed, a man with a mysterious past that could threaten San's safety. Will San have the courage to discover what the world could have in store for him?

Book Bubbles from The Truthteller

Face to Face

I personally love the mix of comedy and panic in this scene. San has been trying to find the Truthteller all day, wanting to return the money he stole before he gets caught and punished for the crime. And now, after an entire day of failing to secure his safety, here is the Truthteller himself--and San's first reaction is terror. Meanwhile, the Truthteller doesn't seem to be at all worthy of panic. Yet, at least.

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