Authorpreneur Dashboard – Carolyn Steele

Carolyn  Steele

Queenie's Teapot

Literature & Fiction

A post-Brexit, post-Trump romp through the world of what-if. In a world where democracy has been declared no longer fit for purpose, a cohort of randomly-selected British Republic citizens receive their call to serve in parliament. As the strangers gather to learn their tasks for the next three years, the Cabinet Support Team try to fit jobs to skills—but Queenie can’t do nuffin’. Naturally she becomes head of state. Together the new government muddles through, tackling unrest on the streets and a spot of global bioterrorism in addition to their own journeys of self-discovery.

Book Bubbles from Queenie's Teapot

You never know who's in your head

I had no idea I was filing annoying people away in my head to put in books. When I wrote this line it came, fully formed, without any sense of the person who'd inspired it. Meeting her again this week after several years brought a huge smile of recognition to my face, but probably not for the right reasons.

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