Authorpreneur Dashboard – Carl Alves

Carl  Alves

Reconquest: Mother Earth

Science Fiction & Fantasy

SEAL Mitch Grace was among the first humans to see the aliens when they landed at the naval base where he was stationed, but like the rest of humanity, he was powerless to stop them. Five years later, Mitch awakens from his coma under the care of an alien physician to find that aliens control the planet. Starting alone, as a one man army, he rallies the surviving humans to build a resistance movement to take the planet back from the alien conquerors. After his capture by the aliens, Mitch is forced into intergalactic slavery to become a gladiator, fighting as the sole representative of the human species. Against all odds and far from home, he lays the plans for the reconquest of his homeland. Reconquest: Mother Earth is the thrilling combination of Red Dawn, Independence Day, and Gladiator.

Book Bubbles from Reconquest: Mother Earth

The aliens invade

The story's protagonist, Mitch Grace, after having a conversation with the alien who identifies himself as the Minister of Science, realizes that something isn't quite right about the alien visitors. Even though they profess peaceful intentions and the benefits they offer, he can tell deep down this isn't true. In this scene, his worst fears are realized when the aliens mount a full out attack.

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