Authorpreneur Dashboard – Bull Garlington

Bull  Garlington

Parker's Wolf

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Parker is an intergalactic merchant stranded on earth, waiting out our technology curve until we get to the point where he can fix his broken ride. He's been here since before Ben Franklin, has a sentient albino crack shot gorilla as a sidekick, can bend gravity, can smell a cryptozoological from a mile away, and has a thing for suits. His special alien skills make him a valuable liaison between a shadowy government agency and all the world's mythic beings whom he works diligently to keep happy and mollified so they don't turn people into snack food. He's good at his job and everyone is happy until they find out there's a wolf. Even cryptos are terrified of werewolves. They are unstoppable bloodthirsty murder dogs who kill everything they see, not for a reason. Not for hunger. Not for revenge. They kill just because they have teeth. Parker has to use all his contacts in the cryptoverse, his own private undead research company, Sidhe wolf hunters, a very stoned Bigfoot, and a horny Djinn to stop the wolf—except the werewolf is actually a loup-garou, a young teenage Moldavian turned against her will, terrified, and perfectly innocent.

Book Bubbles from Parker's Wolf

Bigfoot Cooks

I always disliked the idea that Bigfoot is a monster. I think of them as another humanoid species with refined tastes, insight, and wisdom. This is the introduction of Mr. Foot to the Parker series, establishing his predilection for excellent jazz, truffles, and monstrous ganje.

Parker hires the Siedhe

This is good.

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