Authorpreneur Dashboard – Bruce Coy Dillahunty

Bruce Coy Dillahunty

Open Gate

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Rachael and James have found an opening to another world. It’s the chance for the human race to get off our planet and have breathing room. A place for the explorers at heart to blaze new trails. But the government is breaking down, there is rioting in the streets and the authorities are in pursuit. And what about the original owners of these new-found cities? Where are they, and are they wanting visitors?

Book Bubbles from Open Gate

Why a ramp?

Why do we find ramps everywhere? Is it a military base with a desire to move a lot of heavy equipment? How about those old fashioned things called elevators? Later in the book the open central shaft is explained and all becomes clear, but for now, our explorers just don't know what is happening.

Bathed in the light

Not what you would normally expect in a closet, or even an airlock. Is it harmful? Have they just received a fatal dose of radiation? And what's on the other side of that locked door?

Binary Star

James and Rachael have been on another world for a while now, but weren't really sure. Dark or cloudy, without a view of the open sky, could you really be sure, in their place? Seeing the 'suns' seals the deal.

We're on another planet...

Rachael and James don't know it, but their lives just changed. They think they're in somebody's basement, but somewhere in the back of their minds, they know something weird is going on. They just don't know what.

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