Authorpreneur Dashboard – Brian Tashima

Brian  Tashima

Secret of the Songshell

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Joel Suzuki gets a huge surprise when he bumps into his favorite rock star while walking down the street. You see, this particular rock star – multiplatinum bandleader Marshall Byle – is supposed to be dead. Joel gets an even bigger surprise when Marshall makes him the offer of a lifetime: the chance to become a rock star himself. There's a catch, of course, but this one is a little different. To unlock the shortcut to success, Joel must travel to an alternate world where his unique brain waves can be combined with the sound waves of music to create magical effects. If he can learn to harness these powers, he will be able to write songs that capture the hearts of millions. As a sensitive sixteen-year-old with Asperger's Syndrome living in a single-parent home, Joel leads a stressful life full of bullies, bad grades and money woes. Figuring that stardom will solve all of his problems, he accepts Marshall’s offer. But once Joel arrives in the new world, he finds himself faced with an unexpected audition that is unlike anything he has ever imagined. . . .

Book Bubbles from Secret of the Songshell

Sci-Fi/Fantasy for Kids on the Spectrum

I originally wrote this book for my son, who has Asperger's Syndrome. I wanted to craft a story that was a fun and entertaining read along the lines of all the other young adult sci-fi/fantasy books that my son and I both enjoyed, while providing a glimpse into what a person on the autism spectrum could possibly be thinking and feeling. Most of all, I wanted to provide kids on the spectrum with a literary hero that they could relate to and gain a sense of coolness and empowerment from - a character that saved the day with his special qualities, not despite them.

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