Authorpreneur Dashboard – Brian Aubrey Johnson

Brian  Aubrey Johnson

Luxor 13

Religion & Spirituality

This work is an exploration into the hidden meaning behind the Mythical Egyptian Gods/Goddesses, The Twelve Disciples of Christ, the Mysterious Scepter of PTAH and Petrah the Rock of Catholicism. The Author uses these topics as Puzzle Pieces to Paint a Pictorial Pathway that will lead the Reader on a real Quest of Cosmic Consciousness.

Book Bubbles from Luxor 13

Olmec Extraordinary Head Sculptures!

My spouse and I had arrived at the area called Cancun, Mexico. We walked the hotel strip and just outside the Kukulkan market place was this huge Olmec Head! Of course, the year was 1996, the sculpture was later removed. In 1996 and again in 1999, we had the pleasure of traveling North to Veracruz and Tabasco to witness further the colossal heads of the Olmec. The height and width of these sculptures are extraordinary an example of one sculpture height and width is 9 feet 6 inches high and 6 feet 11 inches wide.

Yucatan Contention ! Maya Or Olmec?

I want to continue to share my travels and conversations with Phillipe concerning the history of the inhabitants of the Yucatan Peninsula. If you don't mind, I think insight into the history of this region, will set the stage for understanding Schwaller de Lubicz and his insights into Luxor, Egypt. Or, maybe not. However, I hope you will find this excerpt informative and enlightening. Enough said! On to Maya versus Olmec!

The Spring Equinox And Chichen Itza!

I will say this, if you ever get a chance to travel to Cancun, Mexico! Please take a few hours to plan a trip to the site of Chichen Itza and Tulum during the Spring Equinox. Furthermore, take the time to find an excellent and knowledgeable tour guide. That being said, this excerpt gives you a glimpse into the mind of my higher self and his explanation of the structure called Chichen Itza along with the God- Kukulcan. You will also find in this excerpt a glimpse into the Maya link to Luxor, Egypt. Enjoy!

Chichen Itza The Temple Of The Water Magicians!

We arrived at the Castillo (so-called) because the Spaniards thought this structure to be a Castle. The local Maya call this structure Kukulkan, the feathered serpent and Templo de los magos del agua. Or the Temple of the Water Magians. This Grand Central Structure measures the Months and Days of the year as well as the Seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes to name a few.

Impressed by Tulum at the Edge of the Yucatan Peni

Seeing the well built structure of the main Temple, its' Altar and Watch Tower stirred my Soul! I wondered, had this civilization called Maya, always practiced Human sacrifice? The answer from the locals was a resounding... NO! The Mayan had learned from the Aztecs the Rite of Human Sacrifice.

Standing On The Ledge!

It was in 1999 that my Spouse and I traveled to Cancun, Mexico. We visited Chichen Itza, Xel-Ha and our last stop was standing on the Edge of the Yucatan Peninsula. Our final destination? Tulum, The Mayan/Olmec word for Fence. The Temple of the Diving or Descending God! Read what our Guide Philippe had to say about this amazing power place!

Travel to Chichen Itza sparked by a Dream!

Rah Aish Mah is the real author of this book, as he is the one who sits across the table and dictates the lines. From 1993 to 1995, I received initiations into Reiki, Seichem, Enochian Healing, Angelic light and Sakkara. It was during this period that I met Rah Aish Mah and my spouse. I was encouraged to write by candle light, so that, I could see the visions and translate the script. In 1995, my spouse and I were married. Four years later we traveled to Cancun, Mexico and on an urge we were drawn to the sites of Chichen Itza and Tulum! As a result, witness an excerpt from Chapter 1!

Ad Orientem

The Altar and the Officiates pre 1962 faced East. The Priest upon celebrating the Consecration of the water and the wine had their back to the congregation lending an air of mystery and intrigue to the Spiritual Power present at the altar. As an altar boy, I would feel the Power of the Presence! Whose presence was at the altar so Strong? So Powerful?

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