Authorpreneur Dashboard – Brian Barber

Brian  Barber

LYCCYX Episode 1

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The year is 2065. Earth is overpopulated and our resources, spent. Our last hope is to colonize the moon. Called the Haven Project - an experiment designed to transform the lunar grit into a rich oasis. Unfortunately, in our haste to create a new world we created our worst enemy - LYCCYX.

Book Bubbles from LYCCYX Episode 1

A symbol of hope

Xander finds an object in the lunar soil that becomes a central element to the story. This object is mysterious; no explanation is given as to its origin or how it made its way to the moon. The reader is left to make his or her own conclusions about this object. Why was this included in the story? Will we find out more about it later? What role does it play in the LYCCYX mythology? For those who have read Episode 1, will the object come into play in future episode? Stay tuned...


Throughout the series we explore Stephan's distrust toward authority and the causes and consequences of his lack of trust.

A Stormy Night

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

"A Stormy Night" is a new short story by Brian Barber, author of the LYCCYX series. Set on a cold, snowy night in a remote cabin, "A Stormy Night" finds the main character isolated and alone... or so he thinks. If you enjoy the story, please post a review and tell a friend.

Book Bubbles from A Stormy Night

To be alone

Everyone needs time to be alone. Often, we take this for granted and keep ourselves so busy to the point of burnout. Our main character is a busy professional who needs time to clear his head and get away from the distractions of daily life.

LYCCYX Episode 2: Rise of The Hyans

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The second installment of an Amazon #1 in Dystopian SciFi, LYCCYX Episode 2 picks up where the first left off and turns everything up a notch. Deeper storyline, more action and insight into the characters await. Find out if Luke is able to convince the Hyans of their need for the cure to LYCCYX.

Book Bubbles from LYCCYX Episode 2: Rise of The Hyans

The power of pain

Several themes are central to the story of LYCCYX. One of which is the reality of pain and suffering. Xander is a young military man who faces this head-on as he deals with injuries he sustained before joining the UCM. He recalls how he has changed over the years and how pain no longer keeps him from his goals but rather propels him toward them

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