Authorpreneur Dashboard – Barbara Underwood

Barbara  Underwood

Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom

Science Fiction & Fantasy

In the distant past, when a utopian civilization built the pyramids and other megalithic structures using magical powers, a young girl named Rhuna learns the truth about her father and the enemy that caused his demise. The idyllic civilization in which she flourishes and finds love is threatened by this old nemesis, and only Rhuna possesses the special inherited skills to stop him.

Book Bubbles from Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom

Summoning Visions

When Rhuna finally arrives in the celebrated city of Atlan, she attends a special school where she can develop her Atlan powers and skills. One of the skills she has to master is summoning visions of the past and of events in distant places using a still body of water. This is called "The Gazing of the Waters" and with the use of different coloured powders, various kinds of visions can be summoned. But Rhuna may have such latent talents and powers that she can summon them without the use of powers or incantations.

Special Powers

In this section of Part One, Rhuna first learns about special mental powers that can transform elements, such as stone to metal, and many more. Her mentor is Tozar, a prominent person from the mysterious and faraway utopian civilization who has come to her small and isolated island to investigate a serious matter. Rhuna is just a young teenager and is immediately attracted to Tozar...but he is so much older. Is there a chance for romance one day?

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