Authorpreneur Dashboard – Barbara Froman

Barbara  Froman

Shadows and Ghosts

Literature & Fiction

Ida Mae Glick, a critically acclaimed filmmaker, has lived and taught in the small town of Willow Bend, New York for five years without drawing attention to her troubled past. But when she suffers a near fatal heart attack, the result of trying to live on the same meager rations as a group of homeless people she is filming, she winds up in intensive care under the scrutiny of a neurotic psychiatrist who believes she's unstable. To make matters worse, her mother's ghost has appeared at her bedside with old gripes, and her angry, estranged identical twin, Lisa, is heading toward town intent on having her committed. Ida Mae is desperate to escape with her freedom intact, but knows she'll have to get past her psychiatrist first. The only question is, can she? Shadows and Ghosts is Ida Mae's tale of artistic passion, fierce sibling rivalry, failed love affairs, substance abuse, and the magical redemptive power of cinema.

Book Bubbles from Shadows and Ghosts

Turning Point

Ida Mae must come up with an idea for her new film, but where will she find inspiration? In the most unlikely place....

Ida Mae's psychiatrist

Dr. Fern Chalmers—a portrait in neuroses....


This is an important discovery. After a month of living as the subjects of her film, Ida Mae begins to understand the alienating nature of homelessness.

A Lump of Kugel...

...cold kugel. This is how Ida Mae sees her mother's ghost....


I've always been fascinated by the complex and often stormy relationships between sisters, particularly identical twin sisters. The challenges that arise when two women look the same, yet are mirror images of each other—opposites, became the heart of this book.

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