Authorpreneur Dashboard – Author Danielle A Vann

Author Danielle A Vann

Gracie Lou and the Bad Dream Eater

Children's Books

It has been precisely six years, fifteen days, eleven hours, and some odd minutes since the wildly outrageous, spunky six-year-old Gracie Lou has had a good night's sleep. Like most children her age, Gracie Lou is downright terrified of a shaggy-haired, six-eyed, horny-spiked bad dream monster that creeps into her room and creates a major ruckus every night. As the problem grows, Gracie Lou's daddy turns himself into the Bad Dream Eater. Like any good Bad Dream Eater, he promises to swallow any rotten monster that dares to wake his darling Gracie Lou, if she is brave enough to face her fears. But when the bad dream monster does something most unexpected, the Bad Dream Eater creates a plan so spectacular that he becomes a legend in the monster world. The question is, does Gracie Lou and the Bad Dream Eater defeat the monsters once and for all? Or will the monsters win and bring more friends to go bump in the night? Join Gracie Lou and the Bad Dream Eater as they take on the bad dream monster world one shaggy monster at a time!

Book Bubbles from Gracie Lou and the Bad Dream Eater

Gracie Lou and the Bad Dream Eater

Honk-shoo is really a word! I promise. Okay, don' t go looking in the dictionary, it won't be there. When our oldest daughter was two, she would tell us that it was time to go "Honk-shoo." Someone in the house obviously sleeps a bit on the noisy side. (Lol). From then on the word "honk-shoo" became a regular part of our household vocabulary. When kids tell me what their favorite part of the book is, the word "honk-shoo" often comes up.

Gracie Lou and the Bad Dream Eater

Fun Fact: Gracie Lou was named after my middle child. While that isn't her true name, I used her nickname and let my daugher decide the rest.

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