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Anno  Nomius

Thoughts from a naked unshackled mind

Humor & Entertainment

A humorous book which provides an interesting perspective and learning in life for the average Joe and Jane. Thoughts from a naked unshackled mind cannot be claimed to be written in complete sobriety. Our most profound revelations occur when we have no inhibitions and bare the eyes of our soul and observe the world. The observations with the intent to put that in writing started October of 2013 and completed recently. How many of these observations can you relate to?

Book Bubbles from Thoughts from a naked unshackled mind

Thoughts from a naked unshackled mind

Humor & Entertainment

A humorous book which provides an interesting perspective and learning in life for the average Joe and Jane. Thoughts from a naked unshackled mind cannot be claimed to be written in complete sobriety. Our most profound revelations occur when we have no inhibitions and bare the eyes of our soul and observe the world. The observations with the intent to put that in writing started October of 2013 and completed recently. How many of these observations can you relate to? Note: Parental Discretion Advised

Book Bubbles from Thoughts from a naked unshackled mind

Listening to get wiser

Look at your life past and present. Look at the people you had to listen to that you really did not want to listen to when you were growing up and now in adulthood. The ordeal does not end even when you die. One option I am thinking you may consider is pretending to be deaf to get our of this quagmire. Good Luck.


These are the opening lines of the book and kind of sets the tone for the rest of the book. Politicians through out the ages have asked their constituents to do more. Fight wars etc. in the name of how that is service to the nation. Someone rightly said war is waged for one reason and one reason alone and that is profit. Take a look at history and the wars and you should see the pattern. Well it is time now to question politicians on what about their service and the compensation for my service to my nation. If I fight a war will I have to wait months for medical treatment. If I expose corruption will I be ostracized and lose my citizenship.

Bad Luck Black Cat

Did you know that in some cultures if a black cat was to cross the street in front of you, you would slow down if you are walking or driving in the hope that someone else would cross the path the cat crossed before you crossed it and get all the negative vibes of that activity, get all that bad luck. It is kind of funny how cars and people which was going at a certain pace slow down significantly when a black cat is crossing the road. Cats for some reason have been associated with death. People see imaginary cats in the last days of their lives etc. Also it is said cats tend to come and hang out at person's death bed. I am wondering what about the cat's culture, what would they consider bad luck..would it be a human being crossing their path.

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