Authorpreneur Dashboard – Andrew P Mayer

Andrew P Mayer

The Fool: Episode 0 - The Jersey Devil

Science Fiction & Fantasy

New Jersey may be the Garden State, but at 23 Betsey Weisz' life is already a dump: her boyfriend is a loser who can't keep a job, her dreams of going to fashion school are fading away, and she's been trapped in a crappy job at the Free-Way Diner for what seems like an eternity. Betsey's dead-end life takes an unexpected turn for the strange when a bolt of lightning transforms one of her customers from a dirty old man into a demon with a craving for souls… hers in particular. Luckily for Betsey, when demons appear, angels often follow. And with the arrival of Matt Zero, the Fool, Betsey Weisz may have finally found the way to escape this world and leave her demons behind—if she can confront the darkest secret hidden in her soul. The Jersey Devil is the first episode in The Fool: a dark, fantasy series that takes the genre-bending exploits of Doctor Who, mixes in the mythic spectacle of Neil Gaiman's Sandman, and adds a healthy dash of insightfully twisted humor of Terry Pratchett's Discworld to create a reality tripping adventure series that will shake the Great Tree of the Multiverse down to its roots! The Fool will also appeal to fans of Douglas Adams, Erin Morgenstern, Quantum Leap, and anyone looking to escape into a multiverse of cosmic fantasy adventure.

Book Bubbles from The Fool: Episode 0 - The Jersey Devil

Meeting a Monster

The fun of having characters that visit alternate realities is the the subtle (and not so subtle) cracks between their expectations and the reality of an alternate existence. Here, Betsey gets her first bitter taste of just how dangerous the differences can be.

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