Authorpreneur Dashboard – Andrew Kelly

Andrew  Kelly

I, Karmyn Version 1

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Karmyn La'Freniere is an elven Wyrecrafter, basically a magical scribe whose canvas is dragons. The I, Karmyn series depicts the major events in Karmyn's life from her perspective. This, the first book, contains her life between the ages of 13 and 26. But, age is relative because on Primlearth elves are physically children until after age 30.

Book Bubbles from I, Karmyn Version 1

Interludes - One

I've included four interludes in this novel. The first three are kind of like musings, similar in some ways to the flashback introductions, except they're longer, more detailed, and describe different settings. Not explicitly necessary to the story, they're used to help set the tone and further immerse the reader into Karmyn's world. The fourth interlude is a side story which has both historical significance and a direct impact on the series. This is an excerpt from the first one.

Flashback Intro. - One

Several of the chapters in this book have a brief introduction to what is considered Karmyn's present with respect to the overall story's timeline: the last days of her Wyrecrafting responsibilities, the last days in which she has access to the dragons. They are used to set a tone.

Novel Formatting

At the beginning of the book and many chapters throughout, there are 'entries' of some kind. As noted in the excerpt, the different types of entries serve different purposes. An Eddy is essentially the I, Karmyn equivalent of a blog entry. However, rather than created through the use of technology, they are created using magic/spells.

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