Authorpreneur Dashboard – Amber Cavalier Spiler

Amber Cavalier Spiler
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Literature & Fiction

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Book Bubbles from mistake entry

The Secret of Blackwatch

Literature & Fiction

The first in the series, The Secret of Blackwatch introduces 11-year old Maggie to the reader following the death of her mother. Maggie dreams of owning her own pony as her mother did before her death. Her dream comes true when her father surprises her with a trip into the mysterious world of Blackwatch Stables. Lead by the scrupulous Ms. Cavalieri, Maggie learns that owning a pony is a bit different than she imagined. Guided by the other girls at the barn, she learns that caring for her pony, Bella, is hard but rewarding work. As her adventures at Blackwatch Stables begin, she and Bella quickly develop a magical relationship full of love and trust that carry them through an extraordinary adventure.

Book Bubbles from The Secret of Blackwatch

Author's Insight

Do you have a magical bond with your horse like Maggie and the girls at Blackwatch Stables?

Author Insight

Isn't it amazing how sometimes our equine companions seem to choose us?

The Secret of Blackwatch

The first in Blackwatch Stables Series and a must read for all equestrian lovers! #SPShow #equestrianlove

Author Insight

Author Amber Cavalier Spiler is not only an awesome author, but a adult amatuer equestrian as well. She is inspired to write by her children and her father who told her stories about ponies as a little girl.

Opening Scene

Maggie awakes after an all too real dream. What can it mean? Swords? Flying?

The Secret of the New Rider

Literature & Fiction

The Secret of the New Rider quickly drags readers back into the mystery and magic of Blackwatch Stables with changes at the barn that no one – not even Ms. Cavalieri – saw coming. Rumors of a new rider create excitement among the girls but also introduce new challenges, and the growing tension with Stephen and his dragons tests their courage and strength. In the midst of these changes and challenges, Maggie and Bella together must cope with the memories of Dragon Mountain and with the consequences of a mysterious birthday present Maggie receives. Adventure, mystery, and friendships new and old provide comfort, guidance, and phenomenal entertainment for all as the story of Blackwatch Stables continues to unfold.

Book Bubbles from The Secret of the New Rider

Author Insight

Blackwatch Stables Series teaches determination and strength to face difficulties in life. Something we all need a reminder about sometimes!

Author's Insight

Being a student at Blackwatch Stables one never knows what may happen next.

Author's Insight

The Secret of the New Rider quickly drags readers back into the mystery and magic of Blackwatch Stables with changes at the barn that no one – not even Ms. Cavalieri – saw coming. Rumors of a new rider create excitement among the girls but also introduce new challenges, and the growing tension with Stephen and his dragons tests their courage and strength. In the midst of these changes and challenges, Maggie and Bella together must cope with the memories of Dragon Mountain and with the consequences of a mysterious birthday present Maggie receives. Adventure, mystery, and friendships new and old provide comfort, guidance, and phenomenal entertainment for all as the story of Blackwatch Stables continues to unfold.

Author's Insight

The Secret of the New Rider draws you straight in as Maggie feels her way in the dark as her new adventure begins.

The Secret of the New Rider

The girls are excited to find out a new rider will be joining them at Blackwatch Stables...but what will he think about their ponies, their life, their secrets?

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