Authorpreneur Dashboard – Amanda Dick

Amanda  Dick

The Trouble With Paper Planes


I’ve always believed in what I can see, what I can hear and what I can touch. Surfing was my religion and destiny was just a fairy-tale. But one summer, over ten days during the hottest February on record, all that changed. I found hope – the kind of hope that sustains you, even when you don’t want to be sustained.

Book Bubbles from The Trouble With Paper Planes

Fighting Your Heart

There's a saying that "the heart wants what the heart wants" and it's so true. Sometimes, no matter what your brain tries to tell you, your heart will haphazardly overrule it. Such is the case with Heath. His brain tells him to stay away from Maia, that her resemblance to Emily can only cause him pain. Yet despite that, his heart can't help but gravitate towards her, throwing caution to the wind in favour of the intoxicating scent of hope.

She haunted my dreams.

I remember hearing this expression years ago, and it stuck with me. "She haunted my dreams." It struck me as sad, in a soul-deep kind of way. Not "She haunted my nightmares", as you would expect. It was bittersweet, pain and grief tied up with hope and love. No way of separating the two. It seemed a perfect way to describe how much Emily's disappearance had affected Heath. He refuses to let go of the hope that she might still come back to him, even though inside, he suspects she might be gone forever. Hope, tied up with love. If he lets go of the hope, he's afraid the love would go with it, and he's not ready to stop loving her.

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