Authorpreneur Dashboard – Ally Thomas

Ally  Thomas

The Vampire from Hell (Parts 1-3): The Volume Series #1

Science Fiction & Fantasy

According to Rayea, the oldest daughter of Satan, the origin of vampires started in Hell, and it started with her. Ally Thomas offers the first volume of the Vampire from Hell series in this collection. It includes the first three parts of the series. "The Vampire from Hell (Part 1) - The Beginning," "The Vampire from Hell (Part 2) - A Vampire Among Angels" and "The Vampire from Hell (Part 3) - A Vampire On Vacation."

Book Bubbles from The Vampire from Hell (Parts 1-3): The Volume Series #1

Chapter 2 - I'm a fan of Mankind

I love to wear slogan t-shirts, so I love this scene between Rayea and Stephanie. The bad relationship between the sisters isn't something I know a lot about. I have a wonderful relationship with both my older siblings. I used the main idea of a younger sibling wanting to be the chosen child to a father and Stephanie's character developed from there. She's really easy and great to write for because she gets to stay the mean things Rayea (or I for that matter) wouldn't want to say.

Chapter 1 - First Line Rayea

Rayea and Blick's relationship begins with the first line of the Vampire from Hell series. I didn't realize at the time that Blick would turn out to be a love interest of Rayea's. I wanted all my guy characters in the series to be extremely tall. That's how Blick became seven-foot. With adding the ability for Rayea and Blick to communicate telepathically, I wanted to explain this connection right away. I had a beta reader tell me it was too much explanation, but I still like it being in the story, at this starting point. 2.11.13~ally

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