Authorpreneur Dashboard – Alex Rosenfeld

Alex  Rosenfeld

REmembering BECCA


REmembering BECCA isn’t for people who are looking for a conventional story. This book is a blend of fiction and non-fiction, written in a series of not-quite chronologically ordered diary entries, which utilize the voices of both the writer, a lovesick 23-year old named Alex Rosenfeld, and his quirky, relentless, encouraging conscience. Refusing to adhere too strictly to its designated genre of romance, REmembering BECCA is philosophical, comical, romantic, and bursting with a personality all its own. Directly inspired by the love story formats of Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife and 500 Days of Summer, REmembering BECCA begs the reader to look at love in a new light, namely through the commonly used mental device of memory. This isn’t your traditional romance novel. REmembering BECCA is a book which portrays love as organized mental chaos. So, buckle your seatbelt and hold on, because racing through time to find love isn’t always the safest adventure.

Book Bubbles from REmembering BECCA

My Thoughts On My Beginning

It took me a while to decide where I should begin my story. I actually had the first chapter written minus this part, and I was ready to go with just that, but I felt as if I needed a bit more. The beginning of a book, and especially the first sentence, is so important, and I wanted to make sure the reader knew what he was getting in to right from the get go. After a few days of internal fighting over which scene should start my book, I decided to go with this short, sweet, and to the point part from the protagonist's younger days. My book is a love story told out of time, but sometimes it's just right to start from the earliest point.

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