Authorpreneur Dashboard – Adam Levon Brown

Adam Levon Brown

Musings of a Madman

Literature & Fiction

Some say that Madness is linked directly to creativity. I don’t know about that, but I can tell you one thing, I am definitely mad. I chose these 55 poems to entice and teach people just what a maddened mind can create. When you’re reading my poetry you are stepping into the mouth of madness itself. I hope you enjoy the ride...

Book Bubbles from Musings of a Madman

Star Stuff

We are all stardust....

Grecian Dream

A Grecian dream, Gods and all.

The Dreamer

The Dreamer.



Those 3 Little Words

A poem of love and yearning.

Mystic River

A poem of....

Immortal Love

A timeless love balad

Star Stuff

Star Stuff is a poem about realizing you have potential to change anything in your life.

Musings of a Madman

Literature & Fiction

Some say that Madness is linked directly to creativity. I don’t know about that, but I can tell you one thing, I am definitely mad. I chose these 55 poems to entice and teach people just what a maddened mind can create. When you’re reading my poetry you are stepping into the mouth of madness itself. I hope you enjoy the ride...

Book Bubbles from Musings of a Madman

White Privilege


Waves of Solace










Dear, Anonymous

Dear, Anonymous....




Was I meant for darkness or for light? Maybe I'm not meant to know....


She is my love....

Universal Eulogy

A poem of universal proportions.


A poem of truth.

Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice is a poem about the setting in and breaking up of depression. The ice represents the throes of sad feelings, and the fire represents the hope and happiness.

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