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The Gravitas Manuscript


Every man has equal chances to succeed, but quite a large number of people miss their opportunities with the effects of their imprudent choices reflecting in every area of their lives and often lead to dead ends. However, the difference between the successful and the unsuccessful is access to knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. This access is difficult to attain and that is why only a few people are custodians of these secrets. “The Gravitas Manuscript - The World's Key to Wealth, Power and Influence” is a combination of concealed wisdom and introspective strategies to help you succeed in your quest to becoming well-off and relevant in your society. This manual will broaden your knowledge, deepen your understanding, and sharpen your sense of judgment with regard to the choices you make in your personal and financial endeavors.

Book Bubbles from The Gravitas Manuscript

Combatting the Stresses of Life and "Information O

There is a way to maneuver through the barrage of unnecessary things which may attempt to enter your life on a day-to-day basis. Putting this process to use is one of the most efficient ways in beginning to acquire peace, focus and proper goal orientation.

Understanding "The Mind - Heart Connection"

In order for an objective to be realized with minimal frustration, it is necessary to understand the purpose of "The Mind - Heart Connection".

The First Step

Although the journey to success may not be immediate, it does not have to be complicated. There are necessary steps and procedures that can make the trip much easier, if they are followed properly.

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