Authorpreneur Dashboard – Aaron Overfield

Aaron  Overfield


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Jin Tsay’s revelation entices the military with a potential to uncover and disarm any covert threats. The government that funded the engineer’s classified project orders Tsay’s death, so they can secretly possess his technology: VEIL Veil proves to be the purest form of espionage by endowing humankind with the ability to experience life through another person. Veil provides a direct perception of another's immediate thoughts, emotions, memories, and their most intimate senses. If it ever escapes the military’s selfish grip, Veil swears to permanently alter the landscapes of our lives. Veil promises to usher in our unifying evolution. Wielding Veil's inescapable force, Suren Tsay seeks to inflict justice upon all those responsible for her husband’s demise, culminating in and obsessive hunt for the elusive killer of the Great Jin Tsay. Taking Veil beyond limits Jin himself could’ve imagined, Suren Tsay soon realizes she too must inhabit the world created by her husband’s invention and her own bloodlust.

Book Bubbles from Veil

Scene 3 of Chapter 1

Suren loved Jin. Suren will get her vengeance. This wouldn't be a very good book if she didn't.

Scene 2 of Chapter 1

Meet the General and his two whitecoats. They will be trying to turn Jin's research into something the military can use. The General is a hell of a jerk.

Scene 1 of Chapter 1

Meet the bastard who made you say goodbye to Jin.


This is the introduction to the first novel in the New Veil World series: "Veil" In the introduction, you are introduced to Jin. You also say goodbye to him.

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