Authorpreneur Dashboard – Aaron Howard LaPedis

Aaron Howard LaPedis

A Boy Name Penguin and His Great Adventures!

Children's Books

This is a very special book, dedicated to raising awareness and acceptance of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The idea of this book came from my son, who is on the autism spectrum. Often, when he became scared or nervous, he would start calling himself a penguin. As time went on, he started to wear a cape and solve ‘mysteries’ with his stuffed animals. Every time someone would meet him he would say “Hi, my name is Logan, but you can call me “Penguin”. Recognizing the empowerment he felt as his alter ego “Penguin”, I felt his story needed to be told to encourage other “penguins” and super hero kids to embrace their differences and to share these unique and yes Autistic gifts. So sit back, relax, and experience an adventure with us!

Book Bubbles from A Boy Name Penguin and His Great Adventures!

Different is OK

We all have different strengths and fears

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